About Us


Our Approach

Ever used a bad app or played a crummy game? Us too. We know how it feels. That is why our goal is to make apps that just plain work. We want to make the best apps we can, so if you find a problem let us know here.

Our Story

Growing up on the consoles and arcade systems that started it all, we have a rich and diverse understanding of games and their history. The truth is that we’ve played games that were good, and we’ve played some games that weren’t so good. With this experience behind us and the technology available to join the ranks of the video game and software greats, we strive to make games and software that are fun and easy to use for everyone.

Meet the Team

General information about the team.





Paul Sisco


Paul is a software development demigod with over 30 years of experience creating some of the most awesome software systems you've probably never even heard of, even though you've used them.  He has been known to wake up briefly in the middle of the night to scribble working designs for very complex problems down on a notepad and wake up in the morning to find that it wasn't just a dream.

Oh, and he is the inventor of the Sisconian Object Model... Yes, it's a real thing.

Benjamin Sisco

Benjamin Sisco

Software Development Intern

Benjamin is an entry level systems engineer and programmer who has over one year of experience.  He does whatever needs to be done.  Sometimes that means finding and fixing a bug, documenting requirement and design specifications, network changes, firewall updates, replacing drives and restoring systems, building a server or desktop machine, and learning wordpress, php, python, and java.

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Rob Freve


Rob is a citizen of Legoland, traveling incommunicado. Rob has been an International Man of History, a bon vivant, a Jack-of-all-Trades, and an Ideamonger.  Rob has a love for the Oxford comma, the fervent belief in the power of coffee, and the nearly uncontrollable urge to refer to himself in the third-person. ("That's just how Rob talks." - Rob)


Jason Fifer

Game Artist

Jason is the top drawer or is it drawist... He has been drawing stuff since he was 3 years old.

He is going to update his bio soon. 🙂